Fare thee well, chai latte

Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.
– Thich Nat Hahn, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet, and peace activist

A perfectly formal outfit for high tea.

A perfectly formal outfit for high tea.

This morning I drank my last tall mug of chai latte with soy milk. I can’t tell you how many mornings I sat down at my home office desk after walking the kids to school and relished sipping the slightly spicy drink with the hint of ginger on my tongue. It set me in a calm and clear frame of mind, ready for the work day.I drank the real chai many years ago at the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley conference, where one of my housemates, who was East Indian, brewed it fresh. There is nothing like waking up to the aroma of cinnamon, cloves, and especially grated ginger. I was sold on chai and its explosion and marriage of flavors, but nothing off the shelf matched what I savored and I didn’t have time in the mornings to make my own.

Years later, I began drinking chai latte because of the ginger. When I was suffering from morning sickness my first trimester with my daughter, my mother-in-law recommended that I eat crystalized ginger. That particular preparation of ginger didn’t alleviate my nausea, but one morning on my commute to work I dragged myself to the Starbucks near my BART station exit and ordered a chai latte with soy milk – being lactose intolerant – hoping that the ginger in the mix would help. The moment I took my first sip my nausea literally disappeared. It happened the next morning and the next. Once I got past the second trimester, however, I stopped buying it because I couldn’t bring myself to pay that much for a drink.

Black and white and sparkly, mixing vintage rhinestone jewelry with Tiffany sterling silver mesh jewelry.

Black and white and sparkly, mixing vintage rhinestone jewelry with Tiffany sterling silver mesh jewelry.

But then I found the Tazo chai latte mix in Costco. I was in heaven until they stopped stocking it. When I found it on the shelves again one winter, I bought cases of it to last a year. When I ran out and there were none to be found at Costco, I discovered that Target carried it and I resumed my habit. Through the years, there have been mornings when I thought the chai latte didn’t taste as good as I always expected it to be. And, being disappointed, I thought, yes, I could give it up.I have found that as I get older, I have had to consider food from a different perspective. Food is now viewed as what does or doesn’t impede a healthy digestive system. And more recently, what foods to avoid that age your skin – sugar, caffeine, and alcohol are culprits that are often named in articles about nutrition and aging. And yet, I couldn’t give up the thing that was part of my morning routine. Some days I wasn’t enamored with the flavors and other days it tasted so good I was crazy to consider banishing it from my diet. Until your body tells you that something you’re consuming is making you feel off.

Time for casual tea in a Tocca coat from Personal Pizazz (Berkeley, CA).

Time for casual tea in a Tocca coat from Personal Pizazz (Berkeley, CA).

Unwilling to give up my chai lattes, I replaced soy milk with almond milk, upon recommendation by women friends after discussions about how soy milk is hard on the digestive system. (In a month-long experiment, I have discovered that having eliminated soy milk from my diet made a difference in that area. I’m not well versed enough about the pros and cons of soy, but from what little I’ve read the literature points to unfermented, genetically modified soy as being unhealthful.) No matter what brand I tried, however, I did not like the taste of almond milk and it didn’t blend well when heated with the chai latte mix. It was either watery or coagulating, which made it seem easy – finally – to give it all up. So not only was I going to have a healthy digestive system, I was also going to do my skin a favor (because I am not going to give up my vino so it had to be something else) and not feel like I had to relinquish anything I enjoyed.

Chunky ring from Lava 9 (Berkeley, CA), Carmela Rose vintage brass earrings, Sundance rings, and J. Crew necklace.

Chunky ring from Lava 9 (Berkeley, CA), Carmela Rose vintage brass earrings, Sundance rings, and J. Crew necklace.

The thing about giving up something is that you need to replace it, even after the love has waned. I’m sure behavioral studies have been conducted on the success of replacing a habit with something else just as or even more enticing or enjoyable. I used to hold up my hands in a “no, thank you” gesture to the Teavana people handing out samples outside their storefront. When my cousin Janet was in town last summer, we tried several cups, and I was hooked by the explosion of flavors. But wait, there’s more. The tea has less caffeine than my chai latte mix and the white and green teas are rich in antioxidants. White teas are the least processed of all teas, the Teavana person informed me. Yes, she was selling me her product, but the flavor and aroma sold me – along with texture, those are the three things that I most appreciate in food. And I loved the fact that there were so many different flavors and fruity versions – and chocolate – and that I could mix to create my own special blends. I had found my replacement.

Mixing textures: Nubby chenille turtleneck, Tocca herringbone tweed coat (Personal Pizazz), faux leather and knit leggings, chocolate leather booties, and warm brass jewelry.

Mixing textures: Nubby chenille turtleneck, Tocca herringbone tweed coat (Personal Pizazz), faux leather and knit leggings, chocolate leather booties, and warm brass jewelry.

But I had to go through my stockpile of chai latte cartons, which surprisingly has taken a number of months to consume. I suffered through the almond milk in my chai lattes, until I broke down and bought a half-gallon of soy milk this week, which was a mistake. The last drop from the last chai latte mix carton was emptied this morning. I hesitated before throwing the carton in the trashcan. Later this morning, there was just a hint of longing as I looked into the deep well of my empty mug.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll be mixing wild orange blossom herbal tea leaves with youthberry white tea leaves. I will drink my tea slowly and reverently. And feel cleansed.

Gray matter

Be comfortable in your own skin, and your style will come out.
– Ikram Goldman, Ikram boutique owner, Chicago

My parents show off their cake at their 25th wedding anniversary, May 1982.

My parents show off their cake at their 25th wedding anniversary, May 1982.

When my sisters and I were going through my mother’s photographs to put in a slideshow for her memorial last January, I came across ones of my parents’ 25th wedding anniversary party. My mother was a month shy of 31 when she got married to my father. So she was nearing 56 when we celebrated their anniversary at a restaurant with our family and all of our relatives. In December 1984, when my sister, Heidi, my mom, and I went to the Philippines – to commemorate the end of my college career and also to embrace my heritage after taking many Asian American Studies classes – my mom was 58 years old.

Me, my lola Salud, and my mother, Baguio City, the Philippines, December 1984. My mother shows just a little gray along the hairline.

Me, my lola Salud, and my mother, Baguio City, the Philippines, December 1984. My mother shows just a little gray along the hairline.

I marveled at how in the pictures from those two events, my mother looked incredibly young. No sign of gray hair. My middle sister Joyce recalled that she berated my mom for plucking her gray hairs, telling her she would go bald. It was around the early 1990s that Joyce introduced my mother to coloring her hair. So at the time of her 25th anniversary and our trip to the Philippines, my mother had plucked her grays – but clearly still had a healthy production of melanin.

No doubt, genetics played a major role in her youthful looks. But at some point, she did color her hair. I, too, plucked at the gray hairs, and when they multiplied to the point where potential baldness had to be considered as a real risk, I faced the decision of either coloring or leaving the gray strands alone. I had always thought I would be the kind of woman who would eschew coloring her hair. Just age gracefully, I argued in my head. But at the age of 44, when the gray hair began exposing themselves around my hairline and at the crown of my head, I succumbed to the practice.

Does she or doesn’t she?
In my neck of the woods – the Berkeley area – more women than not embrace their gray. Was it a defect on my part that I did not? My hairdresser, who has been cutting my hair since I was 29 and whom I have followed from salon to salon through the years, has been badgering me in the last few years to stop coloring my hair. He tells me that “modern women” can carry off gray hair. He also insisted that the owner of the beauty shop where he worked had developed leukemia from having undergone too many Japanese hair-straightening treatments. In all honesty, I don’t know anything about the pros and cons of the treatment and can’t comment on whether the chemicals contributed to her death. I do worry about the chemicals that are seeping into my scalp, which is one of the reasons why I don’t color that often and traded permanent color, which made my hair dry as straw, to semi-permanent color, which seems less harsh, relatively speaking, and fades in a more “natural” way.

My husband, David, whose hair is salt and pepper, keeps reminding me that there’s nothing wrong with gray hair and he’d prefer that I go au natural. Some people look distinguished with a head of gray hair, but I don’t put myself in that company just yet. One of my good friends from college feels that gray hair makes women look older than they are, which is true depending upon how the hair is styled, how the woman dresses herself, and the coloring of the gray. While dull gray is not a flattering color, white or silver can be stunning.

Comfortable with gray
While one can argue whether or not a woman looks better with colored hair, I’ve come to see it as a personal decision, which should be respected and even celebrated. My sister, Heidi, who turned 53 in mid-August and noticed the gray in her mid-30s, has never colored her hair, which is even more dramatic and pronounced given the longer length of her locks. She prefers low maintenance when it comes to grooming, which was especially critical when she was an elementary-school teacher (she has since retired this past year). She doesn’t blow dry her hair because she feels it’s a health hazard and has the same health concern about hair coloring. My sister grows her hair long so she can cut it every three years and donate it to such organizations as the American Cancer Society and Ulta, which require hair to be free of chemicals. She tells me that they don’t accept donations with too many gray hairs, so this may be her last contribution.

My sister, Heidi, and me at Rockefeller Center, New York, September 2012.

My sister, Heidi, and me at Rockefeller Center, New York, September 2012.

“There have been a dozen women who have told me that they are following my example and are not coloring their hair anymore,” Heidi wrote to me in an e-mail. “They just don’t like the look when transitioning from not coloring to going all gray. I think they are becoming more comfortable with the idea of having gray hair. I think they also got tired of coloring their hair and they’re doing it for themselves and not for appearance anymore.” (Although I feel compelled to note that you can color your hair and do it for yourself and not for others.)

A friend of mine, who has a lovely thick mane of silvery hair, decided to dispense with the many years of maintenance, time, and expense associated with hair coloring. “You’re finally comfortable with it, and you just grow into your gray hair,” she told me in an e-mail. Through the years, she had gotten close with her colorist, whom she considers an adopted daughter and also followed as her colorist changed salons. While my friend doesn’t get to see her former colorist on a regular basis anymore, when they do get together it’s “for coffee instead of coloring,” she wrote.

Hair as an ‘artistic medium’
One of my colleagues from my company, Diana Manos, 53, who is a senior editor with Healthcare IT News, said that turning 50 has liberated her to experiment with hair color. “I like hair as an artistic medium (involving color),” she wrote to me in an e-mail. Diana doesn’t believe that hair color should be age-related. She sported a big bright fuschia stripe, noting that getting the flash of color was something she has wanted to do her whole life. “I feel that being my current age finally freed me to do it,” she wrote, although she has since moved on from pink because it fades too easily.

My colleague Diana sporting her fuschia streak.

My colleague Diana sporting her fuschia streak.

“Color is color. If you don’t like the color gray – and I don’t – you don’t have to wear it, in our day and age,” she wrote. “I feel hair is a very distinctive aspect of our outer selves. If we want, we can use our hair to represent our inner selves. How you feel about your hair is very important to how you see yourself. No one at any age should accept hair they don’t want to wear.”

While Diana noted that she doesn’t like the color gray on her, she recognizes that some women can carry it off. “I am always fascinated by and on the lookout for women who wear it like they mean it,” she said. “Emmylou Harris is one famous example, but I see good examples around me all the time. If I had to one day wear gray hair, I would probably put some black stripes in it to spice it up.”

Celebrating silver - in my dress for now, Las Vegas, February 2012.

Celebrating silver – in my dress for now, Las Vegas, February 2012.

What feels right
As for me, I’ve made the tentative decision that I’ll go completely gray when my wrinkles become more pronounced. I’ll admit that I raise my eyebrows when I see an elderly Filipino man or woman with jet-black hair and wrinkles to rival an elephant because it seems like a disconnect between hair and body. I can’t imagine that I’ll do anything to my face, so when the wrinkles deepen, the gray will be let loose.

I’m always fascinated by other women’s opinions about and reasons for coloring or going gray, but the bottom line is: Respect other women’s decisions and do what feels right for you. Whatever you do, first and foremost, do it for yourself. Once you embrace that, the decisions come – of course – nice and easy.

The best way to accent silver and gray is with lots of beading, sequins, rhinestones, and shiny metallic.

The best way to accent silver and gray is with lots of beading, sequins, rhinestones, and shiny metallic.

Gray is the perfect backdrop or a lot of shine from different materials and accessories, both vintage (earrings, ring, and bracelet) and new (necklace, stack of rings, pumps, and skirt).

Gray is the perfect backdrop or a lot of shine from different materials and accessories, both vintage (earrings, ring, and bracelet) and new (necklace, stack of rings, pumps, and skirt).

Pilgrimage to Good Goods

Our admiration of the antique is not admiration of the old, but of the natural.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, lecturer, and poet

Good Goods' 4,000-square-foot barn is filled with antique furniture and vintage and new finds.

Good Goods’ 4,000-square-foot barn is filled with antique furniture and vintage and new finds.

My cousin Janet introduced me to Good Goods (30924 Road 168, Farmersville, CA, 559.594.5765 or 559.280.2498), an antique store comprising a 4,000-square-foot barn, two-story Victorian house, tank house and bunk house spread across two acres outside of Visalia, CA, about eight years ago. Ever since then, whenever my family visits my hometown of Terra Bella and stays with my cousin and her husband Tim, Janet and I make a trip out to Good Goods. We always find unique treasures there.

The two-story Victorian house's kitchen boasts a checkerboard tile floor and this beautifully restored country store dry goods bin sideboard.

The two-story Victorian house’s kitchen boasts a checkerboard tile floor and this beautifully restored country store dry goods bin sideboard.

Romantic Homes (November 2006 issue) published a wonderful feature on Good Goods, so I won’t repeat Sandy and Jim Hall’s enchanted beginnings and their love of antique Americana and re-envisioned vintage furniture (but do read the article). I will mention, however, that they relocated the buildings, some of which were slated to be destroyed, and lovingly restored them on their property. That’s quite a labor of love.

To say Good Goods is off the proverbial beaten path is no exaggeration, which is why I included a map at the end of this entry. If you drive past two huge stone gates set hundreds of feet apart, you’ve missed the store’s only marker, though you can see the buildings on the property. In other words, there is no sign. And there is no website. Jim let me know that they don’t have a computer, either.

It's still Christmas at Good Goods, but Valentine's Day decorations will be up in no time.

It’s still Christmas at Good Goods, but Valentine’s Day decorations will be up in no time.

All this makes perfect sense. When you step into one of the buildings, you’re in another world and time period that compels you to want to settle in and take your time to admire the many details of the buildings themselves – the punched tin ceilings, beautifully painted hardwood floors sporting patterns of checkerboard and playful spots made with sponges, and creamy tin and lace-embellished window treatments.

Through the years, we have purchased an 1880s walnut dresser with a marble top and matching mirror, a vintage-inspired mannequin and numerous knickknacks, including a 1950s set of coasters and vintage-inspired fruit and vegetable signs hooks. A number of years ago, the Halls made innovative use of the thick planks of wood from a shuttered bowling alley and put them atop industrial bases such as school lockers and commercial-grade bins to make distinctive, beautiful tables. My cousin has one in her kitchen, and it’s the center of activity. Someday, somehow, I’m going to snag one of the remaining tables – when I can find a place in our house to put it.

One of the unique woodblock tables gracing the old barn. Note the hand-painted floors.

One of the unique woodblock tables gracing the old barn. Note the hand-painted floors.

Sandy, who was on the lawn mower when we visited this past weekend, energetically told us that when the weather turns warm in the spring, she and Jim will be able to refinish furniture currently under seven tents. I have another reason (besides baseball) to look forward to the spring. I hope you do, too.

There are a number of local antique shops in the area, especially in the wonderful farming town of Exeter, that together make for a worthy trip to the Central Valley. One of our favorite places to eat is the Wildflower Café (121 South E. Street, Exeter, 559.592.2656), which serves breakfast, brunch, and sandwich specialties. Be advised to bring a van or truck for the antique and vintage treasures you will find. Definitely bring your vintage-loving friends and make a great weekend of antiquing. There is plenty to see in this part of the state.

You can also correspond with Sandy and Jim at P.O. Box 3607, Visalia, CA 93278. And tell them I sent you down the path to Good Goods.

How to get to Good Goods.

How to get to Good Goods.

Wear comfortable clothes - stretchy leggings, soft jersey blouse, and downy faux fur vest - when going antique shopping.

Wear comfortable clothes – stretchy leggings, soft jersey blouse, and downy faux fur vest – when going antique shopping.


A Tribute to my mother, one year later

Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly.
– Ambrose Bierce, American journalist, from The Devil’s Dictionary

My mother in the Philippines, circa 1950s.

My mother in the Philippines, circa 1950s.

At the age of 85, surrounded by her three daughters, my mother took her last breath in the early morning of January 3rd, 2012. We are journeying to our hometown this weekend to celebrate her one-year anniversary with our relatives.When I think of my mother’s life, I think about the decisions she made and the decisions made for her through the years. After World War II, as a teacher in a mountain province, she fell in love with a Filipino soldier who was enlisted in the U.S. Army. He wanted to marry her, but her strict parents demanded that she choose between them or him. She chose her parents because, she explained, they loved her and she loved them. It was as simple as that, she told me when I was home from college on winter break, in a years-removed, matter-of-fact tone of voice. My mother, the oldest daughter, in a family of seven siblings (two others had died during the war as a result of malnutrition), continued to help support her younger brothers and sisters through school.

My parents' wedding in the Philippines, May 11, 1957.

My parents’ wedding in the Philippines, May 11, 1957.

By the time my father’s cousin – a co-teacher of my mother’s at the school where they both taught – matchmade my parents, she was nearly 32 years old. The local priest had to convince my grandfather, my lolo, who was a layman at his church, to let his daughter go. My father, who was 19 years older than my mother, had been in the States with his cousins since the 1920s. After a short courtship, which my mother described as an exchange of photos and letters, they got married in the Philippines and he returned to Los Angeles. She followed him months later on a ship. My parents lived in a house that my father and his brother bought in Los Angeles. My mother not only took care of her three daughters, born within four years, but also kept house for my father and her brother-in-law and his wife, who all three worked outside of the home. My mother did not want to raise us in an urban environment, especially during the time of civil unrest in Los Angeles, and longed for a home of her own. Some of my father’s relatives had settled in Terra Bella, which my father likened to a camp (New York was the city, Los Angeles was the country, my father reportedly told his cousins). Nevertheless, in 1965, we moved to the small Central Valley town, two-and-a-half hours away, and my parents bought a gray-brick house for $7,000, paying it in full. By 1968, my mother had a ranch-style house built next door on our lot, and paid that house off within five years.

A family outing in Long Beach, CA, summer 1962.

A family outing in Long Beach, CA, summer 1962.

My mother didn’t work while in Los Angeles. In Terra Bella, however, she eschewed becoming a teacher, unlike a couple of Filipino townmates who did go back to school and secured teaching positions at our local elementary school. My mother felt that she couldn’t take the time off to get her credentials. She needed to work right away. And so she spent three seasons at the packing house, which required her to be on her feet for 12 hours a day, sizing or packing oranges and other citrus fruit. In the wintertime, at the height of the season, she would be at work at 6 in the morning, come home for dinner, and then return to the packing house. In the summers, she picked table grapes in the nearby farms. I remember how she would wake us up early in the mornings to ensure that we had a good breakfast, and then leave the house while it was still dark outside. I remember watching one of our relatives rub tiger balm on her swollen fingers and the long steaming baths she took when she came home in the summertime, leaving a pile of dusty clothes that smelled of dirt and sweat outside the bathroom. I don’t recall when she retired. But she packed oranges and picked grapes somewhere in the range of 30 years.

Graduation day at UC Davis, June 1985.

Graduation day at UC Davis, June 1985.

School was very important to both my parents. My father only had a second-grade education. Of course, only A’s were acceptable grades. We would attend and graduate from college and our degrees would provide us with solid careers. When I was a senior in high school, my mother helped me fill out financial-aid documents. She had to disclose her yearly salary in one of the forms, and when I looked at what she’d written I was stunned. Wasn’t she missing another digit, I asked. I still remember how she leaned towards me, her eyeglasses perched at the edge of her nose, her hands anchored on the kitchen table. “No,” she said, smiling. She had made sure that we were never for want of anything. Not food or shelter, clothes or non-necessities.It made me think of the time I was into sewing – back in the day when girls took home economics in elementary school. It was summertime. I had waited for my mother to come home from work because I wanted to go into town and buy some fabric to make a blouse. She came home too tired to eat lunch and in want of a nap. She berated me, telling me I always sewed a garment that I would either never wear or discard soon afterwards. In truth, it was rare that I liked something I had made, though I enjoyed sewing itself. I went to my room, lay prostrate on my bed, and cried. Soon afterwards, she came into my room and curtly announced that we would go to Montgomery Wards and look for fabric.

Celebrating her 85th birthday with her grandchildren, Folsom, CA, June 25, 2011.

Celebrating her 85th birthday with her grandchildren, Folsom, CA, June 25, 2011.

This past year, I have gravitated towards listening to music from the 1970s and 1980s – thanks to Pandora radio. While I have always had a weakness for music from those decades (and go through the motions of apologizing for my bad taste in music to friends), as I listen to the songs now, it brings me back to a time when you never ever doubted that your parents would always be there to protect you. They would always be this age, full of vitality even when they were weary of their lives.

I have found that when you discover your parents’ history – and this oftentimes only happens when you are an adult, and for me this happened when I was in college, after taking many Asian American Studies classes – you understand the root of their actions and decisions – good and bad, hurtful and big-hearted. And in that understanding, you receive the power of forgiveness, the weight of sacrifices, and most importantly, the burden and comfort of unconditional love with open arms.

Flowers for my mother's memorial service, January 9, 2012.

Flowers for my mother’s memorial service, January 9, 2012.

The Wonder that holiday traditions bring

In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.
– Aristotle

The magnificent redwoods at Muir Woods.

The magnificent redwoods at Muir Woods.

This holiday season caught me ill-prepared, which is becoming the norm for me the last several years. Time seems to spin faster and faster as I get older. The weekend before Christmas, I found myself running around town, getting the bulk of family presents. Our holiday e-greeting letter, once the first greeting card that all of my friends received for the season, has not been sent – yet. We have shifted from right after Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day.

Early winter rains make the creek come alive in Muir Woods.

Early winter rains make the creek come alive in Muir Woods.

A lot of holiday traditions got squeezed this year. We watched the movie It’s a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve while we wrapped presents. Instead of choosing each family member’s Christmas donation early in the season, we ended up deciding which organization – environmental, local food banks and homeless shelters, national and global human rights, and other miscellaneous nonprofits – we wanted to contribute to over our New Year’s Eve dinner. The kids always choose to save endangered or vulnerable animals. This year it was the pygmy elephant from Asia for my son and the Przewalski’s horse from Mongolia for my daughter from the World Wildlife Fund. David likes to support local organizations, and this year it was the Bay Area Rescue Mission, while I split my support between the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley. The kids had been on my case about getting the donations out, so it was nice – if rushed – to follow through.

We were late this morning getting out to Muir Woods in Marin County on New Year’s Day, and ended up sharing the national monument trails with a lot of people. My daughter didn’t want to go this time and found reason to complain about myriad things such as the sharp object in her boot pricking her foot and being cold – even though we told our kids to dress warmly because it was a chilly and windy morning.

A coho salmon in the creek at Muir Woods.

A coho salmon in the creek at Muir Woods.

We were greeted by a swooping turkey vulture that shared the crisp air and moss- and fern-festooned trees with a pair of shiny blackbirds. And then something wonderful happened. We came upon a quiet and somewhat deserted part of the trail near the creek. We were on the lookout for coho salmon, which we read had been spotted spawning downstream. All the years we’ve been to Muir Woods on New Year’s morning, we have never seen the elusive fish, which die within days of spawning, because previous seasons had not been wet enough. The ranger at the visitor’s center told us they had counted approximately 16 of them. And we saw one of them, as still as the clear pool of water where it was resting.

It was a nice beginning to the New Year. Now for our traditional pot roast for New Year’s Day dinner.

New Year's Day outfit: Neutral layers for embellishments, sequins, and other shiny things.

New Year’s Day outfit: Neutral layers for embellishments, sequins, and other shiny things.

Neutral layers give sparkly embellishments a more casual vibe.

Neutral layers give sparkly embellishments a more casual vibe.


Greeting 2013

Celebrate New Year's Eve in a contemporary flapper dress and architectural platforms, with 1950s vintage jewelry and modern statement ring.

Celebrate New Year’s Eve in a contemporary flapper dress and architectural platforms, with 1950s vintage jewelry and modern statement ring.

Sail forth – steer for the deep waters only.
– Walt Whitman, American poet, essayist, and journalist

When I was young, I was very diligent about making a list of New Year’s Resolutions by New Year’s Eve. Throughout high school, college, and my mid-twenties, the process involved spending several hours poring over my journal entries of that year and then listing major events and reflecting on lessons learned.

Thinking about that ritual compelled me to retrieve stacks of my hardcover journals from the attic. I lost track of time as my past – at times as clear and crisp as a winter’s morning – flowed forth from my neat cursive handwriting. I marvel at and envy the leisurely time I had to write such lengthy and faithfully recorded and detailed passages. I can’t recall the last time I actually wrote in cursive, and journal and letter writing are all but lost arts to me now.

Celebrate a casual New Year's Eve with a pajama blouse, dark-rinse jeans, and copper metallic pumps.

Celebrate a casual New Year’s Eve with a pajama blouse, dark-rinse jeans, and copper metallic pumps.

I was particularly drawn to my 1983 year-end assessment, which ran a not-so-surprising-for-me 40 pages in a journal that was 5 by 7 inches in size. I was a senior at UC Davis, finding my voice and confidence in my fiction writing; preparing myself for my very anal-retentive, post-undergraduate path in life; and head over heels in love with a classmate who was also majoring in English and just as idealistic as I was. Those were heady times indeed! Even then, unrequited love aside, I knew I was at the beginning of an important journey.

Adorn your pajama blouse with simple yet elegant jewelry - earrings from Abacus Gallery (Portland, ME), Kate Peterson necklace (El Cerrito, CA), purse from Japan that was given to me by my sister, Lava 9 Lucite ring (Berkeley, CA), and cuff and rings from Sundance (Corte Madera, CA).

Adorn your pajama blouse with simple yet elegant jewelry – earrings from Abacus Gallery (Portland, ME), Kate Peterson necklace (El Cerrito, CA), purse from Japan that was given to me by my sister, Lava 9 Lucite ring (Berkeley, CA), and cuff and rings from Sundance (Corte Madera, CA).

It is that sense of hope in today and tomorrow, however, that I realize one should never outgrow or discard as being unrealistic and sentimental, no matter what we did yesterday, how old we are today, or how much time we have left in our lives. Oftentimes and understandably, we lose sight of this within our busy, technology-driven lives, but it is never too late to renew our hope. I dutifully wrote out specific goals such as sign up for volunteer work or read and write more, but the themes of those resolutions throughout my youth and recorded in all my year-end reflections remained constant: Live fully, touch people’s lives with the gifts you were given, and strive for self-actualization (Psychology was a favorite college subject of mine, and I was a big fan of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.)

For me, New Year’s Resolutions are like wishes you make in your head and heart before tossing the penny over your shoulder and into the fountain. You don’t tell people what you wished for – not because you are afraid of what you may end up not accomplishing but to keep distractions at bay, listen to your inner voice, and keep your eyes on the prize. The themes remain constant, though the specificities change. I don’t need to write down my resolutions anymore. They have come home and settled comfortably into my being.

Another casual New Year's Eve, with a soft ruffled plum cardigan, silky camisole, vintage Whiting & Davis mesh purse, and silver metallic pumps.

Another casual New Year’s Eve, with a soft ruffled plum cardigan, silky camisole, vintage Whiting & Davis mesh purse, and silver metallic pumps.

As we head into 2013 and greet the New Year, may you find peace and joy in all that you do. As Whitman entreats, find the deep waters. They are full of challenges and possibilities. Hope blurs the lines and makes them one and the same. Our journey continues to unfold.

Happy New Year!

Subtle accessories include Carmela Rose earrings and necklace, Sundance stacked rings, and antique button ring by Elizabeth Ngo.

Subtle accessories include Carmela Rose earrings and necklace, Sundance stacked rings, and antique button ring by Elizabeth Ngo.